mandag 14. mai 2012

The VAGAB fitness test

The VAGAB fitness test

sit ups;
1) she took 15 sit ups
2) she took 25 sit ups
3) she took 30 sit ups

press ups;
1) she took 10 with flexed knees.
2) she took 15 with flexed knees.
3) she took 15 wtih flexed knees.

standig press ups;
1) she took 50 press ups.
2) she took 50 press ups.
3)  she took 50 press ups.

1) she can take her hands to the grownd. but not behind her heels.
2) she can take her hands to the grownd, and back on her heels.
3) she can take her hands to the grownd, and back on her heels.

standing long jump;
1) she jumped 120 cm.
2) she jumped 140 cm.
3) she jumped 125 cm.

cooper test:
1) she where normal.
2) she was normal.
3) she was good.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi ;)
    It was a nice fitness test. :) I could beat their results :)

    from Poland's group 5
