mandag 14. mai 2012

The VAGAB fitness test

The VAGAB fitness test

sit ups;
1) she took 15 sit ups
2) she took 25 sit ups
3) she took 30 sit ups

press ups;
1) she took 10 with flexed knees.
2) she took 15 with flexed knees.
3) she took 15 wtih flexed knees.

standig press ups;
1) she took 50 press ups.
2) she took 50 press ups.
3)  she took 50 press ups.

1) she can take her hands to the grownd. but not behind her heels.
2) she can take her hands to the grownd, and back on her heels.
3) she can take her hands to the grownd, and back on her heels.

standing long jump;
1) she jumped 120 cm.
2) she jumped 140 cm.
3) she jumped 125 cm.

cooper test:
1) she where normal.
2) she was normal.
3) she was good.

onsdag 2. mai 2012


Breakfast: smoothie to drink and 2 crackers with cream cheese
Lunch: a banana
Dinner:  grilled chicken and baked potato and a glass of juic
Evening: I eat crackers with cheese

for breakfast I eat crackers with butter and ham or cheese.

Lunch I use to eat an roll with butter and cheese.
For dinner it was spaghetti and minced meat.
In the eavning it is sandwich with butter and salami on.

breakfast; sandwich with butter and cheese
Lunch: a roll with ham and cheese
Didder: chiken and ris with sause
Evning: crackers with ham and cheese

In the weekends we eat a little more unhealthy. We eat chocolate, chips and candy.

Healthy living and lifestyle

Our group likes to train in the gym and go on the mountains, some in the group did very good and some not. That is because it isn’t everyone who likes to train, but some in our class likes to train like it could be their hobby. It is easy to go to a fitness center and train in your own pace. That is something I think everyone like.

onsdag 1. februar 2012

Thank you for the presants!

thank you, everyone for nice presents! a lot tastet very wierd, but the most of it was good!
hope you liked you presents! :-)
lots of kisses!